Crickets in Commercial Roofing

No, we’re not talking about the chirping bugs—when it comes to your commercial roof, "cricket" is the name of the game for keeping water at bay.

What is a Commercial Roofing Cricket?

A commercial roofing cricket is a small ridge or slope strategically installed on a flat or low-sloped roof.

It is typically constructed using durable roofing materials such as metal, asphalt, or membrane.

Crickets are designed to divert water away from vulnerable areas of the roof, such as valleys, vents, or HVAC units. (See Image Below)

How Does a Commercial Roofing Cricket Help?

  • Water Diversion: Crickets act as a barrier, redirecting water towards designated drainage points, such as gutters or drains, preventing pooling and potential water damage.

  • Prevention of Ponding: By promoting efficient water runoff, crickets help prevent the formation of ponding water, which can lead to structural damage, leaks, and deterioration of roofing materials.

  • Enhanced Roof Longevity: By minimizing the risk of water accumulation and associated issues, crickets contribute to the longevity and durability of the commercial roofing system, reducing the need for frequent repairs and replacements.

  • Maintenance of Building Integrity: Crickets play a crucial role in maintaining the structural integrity of the building by reducing the risk of water infiltration, mold growth, and other water-related damage that could compromise the overall safety and stability of the structure.

  • Compliance with Building Codes: Many building codes and regulations require proper drainage systems on commercial roofs to prevent water.

While crickets may conjure up images of summer evenings, in the domain of commercial roofing, they play a vital role in safeguarding your investment against water damage. By diverting water away from vulnerable areas and promoting efficient drainage, crickets contribute to the longevity, integrity, and compliance of your commercial roof.

So, the next time you hear the word "cricket," think beyond the chirping insects and remember the essential role they play in protecting your property from the elements.


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